

PhD Defense of Simon Geyer

Simon Geyer successfully defended his PhD thesis "Spin qubits in Si fin field-effect transistors", with Dr. Arne Laucht (UNSW Sydney, Australia) as referee, and Dr. Andrea Hofmann as chair. Congratulations, Simon, on the great thesis, and…

Oliver Wicki joins for semester project

Oliver Wicki starts his semester project on "Transport characterisation of core/shell Ge/Si nanowires". Welcome to the group and looking forward to working with you.

Swiss-Korean Innovation Week 2023

The Swiss-Korean Innovation Week, an annual lighthouse event of the Embassy of Switzerland in the Republic of Korea, was established in 2018 with the aim of facilitating collaboration between Switzerland and Korea in the field of research…

James Mingchi Xu joining as a PhD student

With a MSc degree from the University of Copenhagen with title "Superconductor Double Nanowire Interference Device" and previously a BSc from Kenyon College, James Mingchi Xu is starting his PhD project on microkelvin quantum transport.…

Published in Physical Review Research: Measurement-induced population switching

The act of measurement in quantum mechanics imparts backaction and fundamentally impacts the measured object. In this work, we show how increasing the bias on the charge sensor (pink) changes the charge stability diagram of the double dot…

World Quantum Day Fri Apr 14: Live from the SPIN Lab!

The World Quantum Day was celebrated with a flurry of acitivites around the globe, see official web page, Some of our own activities: NCCR SPIN video 2023: What do our young researches think…

Swiss radio show "Kontext" on Tinguely Entangled: quantum physics made audible

The Swiss Radio show "Kontext" had a special on the recent Tinguely Entangled performace, featuring Linda Leimane, Dominik Zumbühl and several others. The radio broadcast, "Klingende Quantenphysik: Wenn Musik den Quantencomputer erklärt",…

US-CH Quantum Symposium at Uptown Basel

The US-CH quantum symposium brings together scientists working on quantum computing from both the United States and Switzerland at the Uptown Basel campus, combining efforts in academia and industry, on Mon/Tue March 27/28, 2023, organized…
Tinguely Photo

Tinguely Entangled: concert and art installation on spin qubits and quantum computation

The Tinguely Museum with its kinetic sculptures served as the stage for a performance of a piece of music especially composed by Linda Leimane in order to make some of the key quantum physics concepts lying at the heart of quantum computing…

Simon Geyer Wins the APS Distinguished Student Award

Simon Geyer Wins the APS Distinguished Student Award

On arXiv: Phase driving hole spin qubits

The spin-orbit interaction in spin qubits enables spin-flip transitions, resulting in Rabi oscillations when an external microwave field is resonant with the qubit frequency. Here, we introduce an alternative driving mechanism of hole spin…

On arXiv: Hyperabrupt STO varactors for mK quantum dot reflectometry

Radio frequency reflectometry for qubit readout enables high bandwidth but requires careful impedance matching which is challenging to do in-situ at mK temperatures due to freeze-out of GaAs varactors. We present a design employing…

APS March Meeting 2023 Las Vegas

GaAs quantum wire tunneling spectroscopy F52.09 Length estimation of a finite length Q wire from finite size effects Henok Weldeyesus Ge/Si nanowire hole spin qubits N72.02 Hyperabrupt SrTiO3 Varactors for Reflectometry of Quantum Dots…

Online Course: Spin-based Quantum Information Processing (SbQIP)

Our course "Spin-based Quantum Computing: Qubit Platforms" is opening for the spring semester 2023, with Stefano Bosco as the main lecturer. We will discuss how semiconductor spins can be used for quantum information processing, reviewing…
QCQT Artemii

QCQT PhD Fellowship awarded to Artemii Efimov

A full PhD fellowship of the QCQT PhD School is awarded to Artemii Efimov in recognition of the excellent MSc degree from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and extended research experiences at Stockholm University, IST…