

Spin Qubit 5 conference in Pontresina

Spin Qubit 5 conference -- finally meeting again! Great to be there... full program with 45+ talks, 120+ posters, about 250 delegates, exhibitors, with conference concert and banquet, hikes, ... and our great community reunited!

Mini-Colloquium "Quantum Electronics at ULT"

Our group is co-organizing the mini-colloquium MC24 "Quantum electronics at ultra-low temperatures" with Attila Geresdi (Chalmers) and Rich Haley (Lancaster) at the Condensed Matter Divison (CMD) of the European Physical Society (EPS)…

Dominique Trüssel joining for an honors project

Dominique Trüssel has joined Quantum Coherence Lab. His focus will be on developing STO-Varactors for an Honors Track internship on qubit readout. Welcome to the group, and looking forward to work with you!

Quantum Designer Physics 2022, San Sebastian

Quantum Designer Physics 2022, Miramar Palace, San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain, Jul 18-21, 2022. Workshop on spin, topology, coherence, and superconductivity in nanoscale materials for quantum computing and quantum technologies. Due…

PhD Defense of Kris Cerveny

Kris Cerveny successfully defended his PhD thesis "Quantum Transport Characterizations in Selective-Area Grown InGaAs Nanowire Networks", with Prof. Thomas Schäpers, Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachan, Germany, and Dr. Lucas Casparis,…

Swiss Nanoconvention 2022 Fribourg

Swiss Nanoconvention 2022 in Fribourg! Quantum Computing Session Spins in Silicon and Germanium organized by @nccrSpin Maud Vinet (CEA-LETI) Andrea Hofmann (@UniBasel) Niko Hendrickx (IBM Zurich…

Spin Qubit 5 early registrat. extended to July 31, 2022

Spin Qubit 5 early registration extended to July 31, 2022! From Aug 1st, the registration fee increases. Conference: Sept 5-9, 2022, Pontresina, Switzerland 40+ confirmed invited speakers... Poster sessions and 200+ participants...…

A Swiss Quantum Initiative

A Swiss Quantum Initiative! Our neighbors and competitors already started large scale programs: 2 billion in Germany, 1.8 billion in France, 615 million in Netherlands, etc... Swiss scientists are getting left behind! PIs and team leaders…

Annual Meeting NCCR SPIN Pontresina Switzerland

Mon, Jun 13 to Wed Jun 15, the annual meeting of the NCCR SPIN took place in Pontresina, Switzerland. Great to bring together our community in a wonderful and stimulating location! 21 scientific talks, 37 posters with a flash intro, 2…

EMP user meeting online

The meeting is bringing together the users of the European Microkelvin Platform (EMP) online and provides a stage for presenting access projects with broader exchange and discussions in the community. We tried to put together an exciting…

Support for a Swiss Quantum Initiative

Quantum science and technology is a high-impact and strongly growing field with great potential to contribute profoundly to economic growth and society. There is rapid progress and increasing acceleration of quantum R&D in neighboring…

April 14: World Quantum Day

April 14 is world quantum day! Official web-site: But what is Quantum? On our recent spin qubit platforms workshop, we asked NCCR SPIN researchers and got many interesting answers: watch the video. See also the…

On arXiv: Identifying Pauli spin blockade using deep learning

Pauli spin blockade (PSB) is a great resource for spin qubit initialisation and readout even at elevated temperatures but it can be difficult to identify. We present a machine learning algorithm capable of automatically identifying PSB…

Spin Qubit 5 Conference Sept 5-9, 2022, Pontresina, Switzerland

The 5th Conference on Spin-Based Quantum Information Processing (Spin Qubit 5) brings together world-leading researchers from the fields of solid state physics and spin-based quantum information processing to participate in a conference…
Hot Si

Transistor qubits heat up

News and views Nature Electronics by Romain Maurand and Xavier Jehl (CEA Grenoble and Universite Grenoble Alpes). Hole spin qubits that operate at temperatures close to 4 K can be created in fin field-effect transistors similar to those…