Spring/Summer 2006: Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics and Quantum Dots

Prof. Dr. Dominik Zumbühl

Wintersemester 2006/2007: Intro to Meso Physics and Quantum Dots (web page) [does not exist anymore]

[Content of this page]
organization of lecture
schedule and content
projects and presentations


last updated april 25, 2006

Organization of Lecture, SS06

weekly lectures Tue, 9-11am, Tue 2. Mai 8-10am, Thur 8-10am, NCCR room 2.04

syllabus 2D electron gas, quantum point contacts, quantum dots, conductance fluctuations, quantum phase coherence, Coulomb blockade, Kondo effect, few electron dots, spin blockade, spin relaxation, charge sensing, single spin measurement, spin manipulation and coherence, nuclear spins, spin qubits, quantum computation.

for: masters and 6. semester bachelor students in nanoscience and physics. physics III lecture is a prerequisite

2 credit points I will be teaching this "Spezialvorlesung" for about 6 weeks, i.e. only half a semester. Instead of the 2 hours per week (for the 2 points), I was thinking to hold the lecture 2 times 2 hours per week to compensate for the 6 week length

purpose of this lecture is to bring the audience up to date of current experimental research in the field of quantum transport through nanostructures, focusing mainly on quantum dots in GaAs and spin-quibts in coupled dots. The lecture will inevitably discuss some (simple) condensed matter theory but will mainly focus on experiments

structure will be a combination of lectures on my part to intruduce the basics and subsequent presentations done by students towards the end of the 6 week lecture period on topics that can be chosen by students from a small selection. There will be no problem sets, but moderate amounts home reading will be assigned. The class is pass/fail, and the evaluation will be based on the presentation given by each student taking the class for credit. Sit-ins/students auditing the class (not for credit) are welcome

Lecture Schedule and Content, SS06


datelecture content  
apr 5, wed, 9 ampreliminary meeting 
apr 6, thur, 8-10 am solid state physics background
crystals, bands, effective mass approx., density of states, occupation of bands, intrinsic carrier concentration, doping (hand written manuscript) 
apr 11, tue, 9-11 am semiconductor surfaces and interfaces
surface states, semiconductor-vacuum interface, band bending, Fermi level pinning, Schottky barrier and diode, GaAs 2D electron gases, screening, scattering (bulk and 2D), ohmic contacts, lateral gating 
lecture notes chapter 2: pdf
apr 13, thur, 8-10 am experimental techniques
sample fabrication, low temperature methods (chapter 4, Heinzel), quantum point contacts
van Wees et al., PRL60, 848 (1988) pdf
van Wees et al., PRB38, 3625 (1988) pdf
apr 18, tue, 9-11 am concepts in mesoscopic physics 
Drude conductivity, Einstein relation, mesoscopic time and length scales, classical Hall effect, (integer) quantum Hall effect, 1D subbands, quantum point contacts, 0.7 structure
Cronenwett et al., PRL88, 226805 (2002) pdf
(lecture notes chapter 3: pdf)
apr 20, thur, 8-10 am quantum dots I 
open and closed dot regimes, Coulomb Blockade, 
quantum confinement energy, constant interaction model, Coulomb diamonds, ground state and excited state spectroscopy, sequential and cotunneling transport, Coulomb peak lineshapes 
lecture: pdf

Kouwenhoven et al., dot review article, pp 1-28 pdf
van Houten et al., CB review, NATO ASI, pp 1-15 pdf
Foxman et al., PRB47, 10020 (1993) pdf
Foxman et al., PRB50, 14193 (1994) pdf
apr 25, tue, 9-11 am quantum dots II 
Landauer-Büttiker formalism, open dot regime, 
conductance fluctuations, 
weak localization and antilocalization, 
Kondo effect, few electron dots 
lecture pdf

A. Huibers, Ph. D. Thesis (1999) and
S. Cronenwett, Ph. D. Thesis (2001)
are available on the marcuslab[page does not exist anymore] webpage.

open dot regime 
Huibers et al., PRL83, 5090 (1999) pdf

Kondo effect
Goldhaber-Gordon et al., Nature 391, 156 (1998) pdf
Cronenwett et al., Science 281, 540 (1998) pdf

Few Electron Dots
Tarucha et al., PRL77, 3613 (1996) pdf
Ciorga et al., PRB61, 16315 (2000) pdf
Kouwenhoven et al., Science 278, 1788 (1997) pdf
Kouwenhoven, Austing & Tarucha, RPP 64, 701 (2002) pdf
apr 27, thur, 8-10 am quantum dots III
double quantum dots, honey comb stability diagrams,
finite bias transport 
lecture pdf

2 student presentations

Oded, charge sensing
Oren, charge manipul. 
may 2, tue, 8-10 am 3 student presentations Frank, spin filtering
Roman, spin blockade
Martha, spin relaxation 
may 4, thur, 8-10am 3 student presentationsLukas, spin readout
Florian, nuclear spins
Daniel, spin coherence 


Projects and Presentations, SS06


charge sensingField et al., PRL70, 1311 (1993) pdf
Elzerman et al., PRB67, 161308R (2003) pdf 
DiCarlo et al., PRL92, 226801 (2004) pdf
charge manipulation Hayashi et al., PRL91, 226804 (2003) pdf 
Petta et al., PRL93, 186802 (2004) pdf
spin blockade Ono et al., Science 297, 1315 (2002) pdf
Johnson et al., PRB72, 165308 (2005) pdf
spin relaxation Fujisawa et al., Nature 419, 278 (2002) pdf
Hanson et al., PRL91, 196802 (2003) pdf
spin filtering Potok et al., PRL89, 266602 (2002) pdf
Folk et al., Science 299, 679 (2003) pdf
Hanson et al., PRB70, 241304R (2004) pdf
single spin readout Elzerman et al., Nature 430, 431 (2004) pdf
Hanson et al., PRL94, 196802 (2005) pdf
nuclear spins Johnson et al., Nature 435, 925 (2005) pdf
Koppens et al., Science 309, 134 (2005) pdf
spin coherence Petta et al., Science 309, 2180 (2005) pdf




“Mesoscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructures”, Thomas Heinzel, Wiley-VCH (2003)
 “Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems”, Supriyo Datta, Cambridge Universy Press (1995)
 “The Physics of Low-Dimensional Semicond.”, John H. Davies, Cambridge University Press (1998)

review articles
“Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Nanostructures”, C. W. J. Beenakker and H. van Houten, published in Solid State Physics, 44, 1-228 (1991) (out of print, available at arXive:cond-mat/0412664) pdf

“Electron Transport in Quantum Dots”, L. P. Kouwenhoven, C. M. Marcus, P. L. McEuen, S. Tarucha, R. M. Westervelt and N. Wingreen, NATO ASI conference proceedings, edited by L. L. Sohn, L. P. Kouwenhoven and G. Schön (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1997). pdf

“Coulomb Blockade Oscillations in Semiconductor Nanostructures”, H. van Houten, C. W. J. Beenakker and A. A. M. Staring, published in Single Charge Tunneling, edited by H. Grabert and M. H. Devoret,  NATO ASI series B294 (Plenum, New York, 1992), (out of print, available at arXive:cond-mat/0508454). pdf

“Few-Electron Quantum Dots”, L. P. Kouwenhoven, D. G. Austing and S. Tarucha, Rep. Prog. Phys. 64, 701 (2001). pdf

“Recipes for Spin Based Quantum Computing”, V. Cerletti, W. A. Coish, O. Gywat and D. Loss, Nanotechnology 16, R27 (2005). pdf