
Mobility Curves

On arXiv: High mobility SiMOSFETs fabricated in a full 300mm CMOS process

The quality of SiMOSFET gate stacks plays a key role for hosting spin qubits. Here, we report a record electron mobility of 17'500 cm2/Vs with sub-10nm oxide, indicating a relatively low disorder FET. We find very good agreement with the…

Published in PRB: Low-symmetry nanowires for enhanced Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction

While the Dresselhaus SOI is suppressed for select zinc-blende nanowire growth directions and confinements, some configurations allow for a strong Dresselhaus SOI. A similarly strong Rashba term can be gate-induced, providing a means to…

Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Hall Systems 8 Online Workshop

The 8-th International Workshop on Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Hall Systems, organized by Mansour Shayegan at Princeton University, started off today with Invited Guest and Nobel Loreate Klaus von Klitzing giving the opening speech. The…

Rahel Kaiser has joined the group to work on MSc thesis

Rahel Kaiser (Nanoscience BSc, Basel) joined the group today to work on her masters thesis, focusing on Ge/Si nanowire qubits in our spin qubit team, in collaboration with Taras Patlatiuk as a co-advisor. Welcome to the group, Rahel, and…

Rafael Eggli defended his MSc Thesis

Rafael Eggli presented the results of his MSc thesis "Charge Sensing with Silicon Quantum Dots" to the group today on zoom and in neuer HS1, with Andreas Kuhlmann as co-advisor. Rafael not only set up a complete new VTI system with 6 coaxes…
Miguels talk

March Meeting 2021 taking place online...

Conferences such as the March Meeting of the American Physical Society are a great opportunity to present results, meet other scientists, get exposed to questions, and engage in dialogue... particularly when the next speaker did not appear…

On arXiv: A spin qubit in a fin field-effect transistor

Scaling up is quantum computing's greatest challenge. Silicon fin field-effect transistors (finFETs) are the pinnacle of decades of large scale integration and scaling to billions of transistors each of few-nm size. Here, we demonstrate…
APS MM 2021

APS March Meeting 2021 Online: Zumbühl Group Talks

A30.03 Mobility limiting factors in Si-MOSFETs in full CMOS process Tim Camenzind (Mon 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm) session link J29.10 Isotropic and Anisotropic g-factor Corrections in GaAs Quantum Dots Simon Svab (Tue 9:00 pm - 12 am), session link…

Published as Editor's pick in APL: Silicon quantum dots with a self-aligned gates

We present silicon finFET quantum dots with perfectly self-aligned 2nd gate layer and gate lengths down to 15 nm. The fabrication is industry compatible and scalable and gives very high quality devices. We observe Pauli spin blockade and…

Dominik Zumbühl new director of NCCR SPIN

After unanimous election by the Executive Committee of NCCR SPIN, Dominik Zumbühl was proposed to the SNF and confirmed this week as the new director of NCCR SPIN. Richard Warburton decided to resign as director of NCCR SPIN in November…
GeSi Holes g-factor renormalization

Strong spin-orbit interaction and g-factor renormalization published in Phys. Rev. Res.

Enhancement of g-factors in a B-field due to strong spin-orbit coupling in Ge/Si core/shell nanowire hole spins! Collaboration with TU Eindhoven, University of Twente and Basel Theory as well as Experiment. Froning, Rancic et al., Phys.…

Published in Cryogenics: Reducing the hydrogen content in liquid helium

Contamination of liquid helium with hydrogen, even at the low levels of 10s of ppm, can lead to blockage of helium intake capillaries needed to operate 1K pots for experiments below 4K, e.g. 3He and dilution refrigerators, thus bringing…
Qubit Device

/ Research

New Type of Qubit with Tunable Speed and Frequency

Physicists from the University of Basel and the TU Eindhoven have demonstrated a new type of qubit – the basic building block of a quantum computer – where the speed and frequency of operation can be widely tuned with a gate voltage. They…

Mathieu de Kruijf defended his MSc Thesis today

Today, Mathieu de Kruijf (TuE) defended his MSc thesis "Fast cryogenic probing of silicon FinFET devices for quantum computing" online with his TuE committee. Mathieu first studied the spin-orbit interaction of holes confined in silicon…

PhD position in Spin Qubits in Ge quantum well nanostructures

We are looking for a highly motivated, talented and technology-savvy physics or nanoscience student to join our spin qubit team and work on gate defined spin qubits in Ge quantum wells, starting in Q2 or Q3 of 2021. MSc theses on this are…