Group hike Brisen 2'403 m (Wolfenschiessen NW)


Taking the additional challenge of fog, chilly temperatures and even snow above 2'200 m, the group stayed overnight in the Brisenhaus SAC. On the way up, we were also welcomed by Siubi in his tipi village and Beiz (always open) for a refreshing Ovi milk. After a delicious dinner of Älplermaggronen with Apfelmus at Brisenhaus, we climbed over Schuenegg and Steinalper-Jochli the next morning up to the summit of Brisen 2'403 m.ü.M. before descending over the slippery, precipitous yet mysterious since foggy ridge of Haldigrat. There, after coffee and cake, Kurt sent us down on his chair lift (see video) and we took the gondola from Niederrickenbach down to Dallenwil, and back onto the trains. 

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