

Quantum Industry Day in Switzerland 2021 (online)

Today, the Quantum Industry Day Switzerland 2021 took place, with many spin-offs, companies and Universities participating at this online event. There was also a Session on Quantum Computing including trapped ions, superconducting qubits…

Group hike Brisen 2'403 m (Wolfenschiessen NW)

Taking the additional challenge of fog, chilly temperatures and even snow above 2'200 m, the group stayed overnight in the Brisenhaus SAC. On the way up, we were also welcomed by Siubi in his tipi village and Beiz (always open) for a…
Aldo Tarascio has joined the group as PhD student!!

Aldo Tarascio has joined the group as PhD student!!

With a BSc from Roma 3 University and an MSc from the the University of Osaka, Japan, on suspended GaAs quantum well quantum dots in photonic crystal cavities, Aldo Tarascio has started his PhD project in our group. Welcome to the group,…
Rafael Eggli joins groups as PhD student!!

Rafael Eggli has joined the groups as PhD student!!

With a MSc from our group, Rafael Eggli has started his PhD project on developing hole spin qubits in Silicon. Welcome back to the group, and looking forward to work with you!

First meeting of NCCR SPIN in Pontresina

First meeting of NCCR SPIN in Pontresina, Switzerland! For many of us the first in-person meeting in a long time, attendance with covid certificate (recov, vax or tested), 25 talks, ~30 posters with flash competition, hike and evening…
Bajour on exclusion from Horizon Europe

The online portal Bajour presents an article on the exlusion of Switzerland from the Horizon Europe Research Program with an interview with Dominik (in German).

Retreat Georg H. Endress Cluster in Valbella

Retreat of the Georg H. Endress Cluster in Valbella with talks of the fellows presenting their research, and a hike on Tue afternoon from Alp Scharmoin climbing 1'055 m to Parpaner Rothorn at 2'896 m. Really nice venue and lots of great…

The European Microkelvin Platform in Europhysics News

The latest (June 2021) issue of the EuroPhysics News features a focus series on Low Temperature Physics with a broad pallette of the many different areas of research, like flavors of ice cream (photo). Christian Enss (Heidelberg), the…

Published in PRL: Isotropic and Anisotropic g-Factor Corrections in GaAs Quantum Dots

The spin splitting defines the energy of the spin qubit and is one of the fundamental properties of a spin in a B-field. Here, we measure and separate the isotropic and anisotropic corrections to the g-factor in two GaAs devices, finding…
ML tuning

On arXiv: Machine Learning Tuning of Silicon and SiGe-based Quantum Devices

Device-to-device variability and disorder in spin qubits makes it currently necessary to individually tune each device in a large-dimensional gate space to find the optimal conditions for qubit operation. We take a key step with a…

BZ Basel Interview and TeleBasel Videoreport on Exclusion of CH from Horizon Europe Program

The recent exclusion of Switzerland from the EU reserach program Horizon Europe has lead to an interview with Dominik appearing in BZ Basel and also on Telebasel. The Lab is also featured nicely on the video, which also shows Omid…

Quantum Matter at Ultralow Temperatures, Institute of Physics Online Event

The online meeting Quantum Matter at Ultralow Temperatures is taking plase July 20-21, organized by Edward Laird, Samuli Autti (Lancaster) and Attila Geresdi (Chalmers) and supported by the Institute of Physics and Condensed Matter division…

PhD Defense of Tim Camenzind

Tim Camenzind successfully defended his PhD thesis "Graphene and Silicon materials for quantum computing", with Prof. Floris Zwanenburg, TU Twente, Netherlands as referee, and Prof. Richard Warburton as chair. Congratulations, Tim, on a…

Matura Thesis Presentation Lukas Schenk

From Mon May 31 to Fri, Jun 25, Lukas Schenk from the Gymnasium Thun was working on his Matura Thesis in our laboratory, investigating the quality of various dielectrics via capacitance spectroscopy in special test capacitors which Lukas…

npj Quantum Information: Finding bias triangles with deep reinforcement learning

Deep reinforcement learning is an emerging machine learning approach which can teach a computer to learn from actions and rewards similar to the way humans learn from experience. Here, we use this approach for fully automatic identification…