
Group Dinner

Group Dinner 2022

Annual group dinner with tour de table of speeches from new and seasoned members as well as a number of group guests, accompanied by delicious dishes and drinks. A really nice get together in review of an eventful and successful year!…
2Q anisotropic exchange

On arXiv: Two-qubit logic with anisotropic exchange in a fin field-effect transistor

Semiconductor spin qubits offer a unique opportunity for scalable quantum computation by leveraging classical transistor technology. Hole spin qubits benefit from fast all-electrical qubit control and sweet spots to counteract charge and…
Resonator sensing

On arXiv: Charge-sensing of a Ge/Si core/shell nanowire double quantum dot using a high-impedance superconducting resonator

Hole spin qubits in Ge/Si core/shell nanowires are promising candidates for scalable quantum information processing. Readout based on the current through the nanowire is easy to implement but also slow and not scalable. We employ a…

Dominique Trüssel defends STO varactors project

Dominique Trüssel has defended his honors thesis (Fri Sep 23) on STO varactors for spin qubit readout and has also completed the project report. The results are very impressive, with the STO varactors reaching the hyperabrupt regime with…

Teachers Lab Tour and Uni Info Day 2023!

Presentation and lab tour on the topic of quantum computing with spins organized for interested high school teachers (Thurs Nov 10) from the Basel region and for the University info day (Fri Nov 18), taking place in the fall / Nov for the…

Cond. Mat. Sem. Christian Ast, MPI Stuttgart

Christian Ast form the Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart, presented his work at our Basel Nano-/Quantum Seminar: Superconducting Quantum Interference, looking into a Josephson junction through a Yu-Shiba-Rusinov state (a single spin) with STM…

Nikunj Verma joins group as a PhD student

Having a master of science in Computational Science and Engineering from MIT, Cambridge (MA), Nikunj Verma joins group as a PhD student. His focus will be controlling softwares and electronics for qubit experiments. Welcome to the group,…

Artemii Efimov joining as a PhD student!

With BSc and MSc degrees from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and after extended research experiences at Stockholm University, IST Austria, and the EPFL Lausanne, Artemii Efimov is starting his PhD project on…

2nd annual review of NCCR SPIN (online)

The external review panel and the Swiss National Science Foundation are performing the 2nd annual review of our NCCR SPIN: Spin qubits in Silicon. This year's review is focusing on both the progress of the 2nd year as well as the outline…

Uni konkret - Wissenschaft erleben

Auf dem Weg zum neuen Super-Computer! Anlass für die Handelskammer beider Basel mit Vortrag über Quantencomputing und den Nationalen Forschungsschwerpunk NCCR SPIN gefolgt von Labortours und einem Apero.

US-Swiss Quantum Days 2022 Chicago

After signing a joint statement on Cooperation in Quantum Information Science and Technology, the US-Swiss Quantum Days took place with over 80 participants in Chicago discussing new avenues of bilateral collaborations, which will hopefully…

In the Swiss Radio Science Magazine

On Saturday, Oct 8, the Swiss Radio SRF2 has broadcast a special feature about the Nobel Prizes which were awarded past week. In this context, our research on semiconductor Spin Qubits has appeared in a contribution "Quantencomputer --…

Featured by Basel Chamber of Commerce

The Basel chamber of commerce (Handelskammer beider Basel) has featured our research in an article "Auf der Suche nach dem Super-Computer" (The Search for the Super Computer). The web-article also shows some lab photos and a YouTube…

Quantum Industry Day in Switzerland 2022

Today, the Quantum Industry Day Switzerland 2022 took place, with a series of plenary talks in the morning, followed by a networking lunch, face-to-face meetings, and and afternoon with parallel sessions on a broad palette of quantum…

Published in PRR: Microkelvin electronics on a pulse-tube cryostat with a gate Coulomb-blockade thermometer

Pushing the limits of on-chip temperatures deep into the microkelvin regime would open the door to unprecedented quantum coherence, novel quantum states of matter, and also the discovery of unexpected phenomena. Here, we present a…