

Symmetry Breaking of the Persistent Spin Helix in Quantum Transport appeared on arXiv!

In this work, we show that the physics of the quantum corrections to the conductivity around the persistent spin helix symmetry point can be treated very similar to the case with weak spin-orbit (SO) coupling, where the small parameter is…

Coldest chip of the world went viral!!

Telebasel, Radio NRJ, Deutschlandfunk, Spiegel online, Newsweek, various Swiss, German and Austrian news papers, and even the Basel trams were featuring it, see picture... our low temperature record on a chip got a lot of attention!

Group Dinner, Wednesday night, Dec 20, 2017

Really nice and fun group dinner last night, with some graduates coming back as well as a few select guests: great to see graduates Dorothee, Dario, Florian, and Tobias! And of course the two most recent doctors Mario and Pirmin! Great…

Low temperature record published in APL as an Editor's pick, with Scilight!

A Coulomb blockade thermometer was cooled to 2.8 mK with on-and-off chip magnetic refrigeration performed on a pulse tube dilution refrigerator platform... working towards new physics at ultralow temperatures. Published in Applied Physics…

Pirmin Weigele defended his PhD


Hyperfine-phonon spin relaxation in a single-electron GaAs quantum dot

Understanding and control of the spin relaxation time T1 is among the key challenges for spin based qubits. A larger T1 is generally favored, setting the fundamental upper limit to the qubit coherence and spin readout fidelity. We establish…

We are covered in the new UniNova with focus on the quantum computer!


Mario Palma defended his PhD


New Homepage online

We finally moved to our new Homepage!