Symmetry Breaking of the Persistent Spin Helix in Quantum Transport appeared on arXiv!

In this work, we show that the physics of the quantum corrections to the conductivity around the persistent spin helix symmetry point can be treated very similar to the case with weak spin-orbit (SO) coupling, where the small parameter is the deviation from the PSH point due to either the mismatch a-b of the Rashba a and Dresselhaus b linear terms or due to the cubic SO term b3. This similarity makes it possible to derive closed-form equation for the weak (anti)localization magnetoconductivity including all these SO terms, which turns out to be identical in form to the well-known Hikami-Larkin-Nagaoka expression, but is now reparametrized im terms of the small parameters a-b and b3. Further, we perform quantum transport experiments in the same PSH regime, and develop a reliable two-step method to extract all parameters from fits to the new expression, obtaining excellent agreement with other recent experiments. This provides experimental confirmation of the new theory, and helps advancing SO coupling towards a powerful resource in emerging quantum technologies. Weigele et al. arXiv:1801.05657.