On arXiv: Finite-Bias Coulomb Blockade Thermometry

Temperature is a key parameter in quantum devices, where different degrees of freedom can decouple and exhibit intricate thermodynamics. Coulomb blockade thermometers (CBTs) are versatile and, in principle, primary thermometers operating down to the micro-Kelvin range but bias heating spoils the thermometry and the primary mode.
Here, we introduce a method to extract the CBT electron temperature in the presence of heat created by an arbitrary bias voltage, and without assumptions on the heat flow mechanisms. The charging energy is extracted with high precision and without any other knowledge, thus making true primary thermometry possible. The experiment also reveals a subtle dependence of the charging energy on phonon temperature below 100 mK likely due to the amorphous AlOx tunnel junctions.
Collaboration with Aalto University (devices). Supported by the H2020 European Microkelvin Platform (EMP) and QUSTEC MSCA COFUND, the Swiss NSF, the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, and the Georg. H. Endress foundtaion.
Finite-Bias Coulomb Blockade Thermometry
Omid Sharifi Sedeh, Christian P. Scheller, Henok Weldeyesus, Taras Patlatiuk, Matthias Gramich, Jukka P. Pekola, Dominik M. Zumbühl, arXiv:2502.15904 (Feb 25, 2025), manuscript pdf