
April 14: World Quantum Day

April 14 is world quantum day! Official web-site: But what is Quantum? On our recent spin qubit platforms workshop, we asked NCCR SPIN researchers and got many interesting answers: watch the video. See also the…

On arXiv: Identifying Pauli spin blockade using deep learning

Pauli spin blockade (PSB) is a great resource for spin qubit initialisation and readout even at elevated temperatures but it can be difficult to identify. We present a machine learning algorithm capable of automatically identifying PSB…

Spin Qubit 5 Conference Sept 5-9, 2022, Pontresina, Switzerland

The 5th Conference on Spin-Based Quantum Information Processing (Spin Qubit 5) brings together world-leading researchers from the fields of solid state physics and spin-based quantum information processing to participate in a conference…
Hot Si

Transistor qubits heat up

News and views Nature Electronics by Romain Maurand and Xavier Jehl (CEA Grenoble and Universite Grenoble Alpes). Hole spin qubits that operate at temperatures close to 4 K can be created in fin field-effect transistors similar to those…
MM Chicago

APS March Meeting 2022 Chicago

Micro Kelvin Nanoelectronics A24.00009 Heat leaks and noise in microkelvin electronics on a pulse-tube cryostat Omid Sharifi Sedeh A24.00012 Mikrokelvin electronics on a pulse-tube cryostat with a gate Coulomb blockade thermometer Christian…
Si finFET

Published in Nature Electronics: A hole spin qubit in a finFET above 4 Kelvin

One of the greatest challenges in quantum computing is scaling. Classical nm-scale fin field-effect transistors (FinFETs) have scaled to billions of transistors on a silicon chip. Here, we operate a silicon FinFET as a hole spin qubit above…

QSIT Arosa 2022: Jazz and Standing Ovation

The QSIT Arosa meeting 2022 marks the 11th and final meeting in this series. In addition to the winter school, the panel meeting, numerous scientific talks and the poster sessions, there was also a great jazz session and a standing ovation…

NZZ Articles on CH exclusion from Horizon Europe

NZZ article with quotes from Dominik Zumbühl on the exclusion of Switzerland from the Horizon Europe research program after Switzerland stopped negotiations with the EU and walked away from the table. Another article appeared soon after,…

QCQT Excellence Award for Simon Svab

Simon Svab, PhD student in our group and the PhD school, receives a QCQT Excellence Award in recognition of his work Isotropic and Anisotropic g-factor Corrections in GaAs Quantum Dots, published in Physical Review Letters. Congratulations,…
New positions

New Positions open at Quantum Coherence Lab!

We are looking for motivated and talented students to work on - gate defined spin qubits in Ge quantum wells, PhD student, in Q2 or Q3 of 2022 - microkelvin electrons in quantum devices, PhD student or postdoc, in Q2 or Q3 of 2022 -…

Appearing in Materials for Quantum Computation: High mobility SiMOSFETs fabricated in a full 300mm CMOS process

The quality of the gate stack affects the local disorder potential and plays a key role for hosting spin qubits. Here, we report a record electron mobility of 17'500 cm2/Vs with sub-10nm oxide with a PolySi gate, indicating a relatively low…

On arXiv: Bridging the reality gap in quantum devices with physics-aware machine learning

We employ physics-aware machine learning to infer the disorder potential of a nanoscale electronic device from electron transport data. The algorithm uses an approach combining a physical model, deep learning, Gaussian random fields, and…

Site-Visit of NCCR SPIN in Basel

The Swiss Science Foundation is visiting the NCCR SPIN in Basel with an international expert panel to hear about the start of the research program, launched on Aug 1st, 2020. Program: intro and overview, the projects E, H, and A, poster…

Perspective in EPN: Breaking the Millikelvin Barrier in Nanoelectronics

The fall issue of Europhysics News is featuring the perspectives on "Breaking the Millikelvin Barrier in Nanoelectronics" from Rich Haley, Jonathan Prance (Lancaster) and Dominik Zumbühl (Basel). In labs across Europe physicists are pushing…

On arXiv: Microkelvin electronics on a pulse-tube cryostat with a gate Coulomb blockade thermometer

Pushing the limits of on-chip temperatures deep into the microkelvin regime would open the door to unprecedented quantum coherence, novel quantum states of matter, and also the discovery of unexpected phenomena. Here, we present a…