

Basel Physics Colloquium by Prof. Seigo Tarucha

Today, Prof. Seigo Tarucha from the RIKEN lab and the Unviersity of Tokyo, Japan, is giving the Basel Physics Colloquium with the title "Physics and Technology of Spin-based Quantum Computing with Quantum Dots". From dots in GaAs to Si,…

PhD Defense of Leon Camenzind

Leon Camenzind successfully defended his PhD thesis "Spins and Orbits in Semiconductor Quantum Dots" today, getting a summa cum laude, with Prof. Seigo Tarucha, RIKEN and University of Tokyo, Japan, as coreferee and Prof. Daniel Loss as…

New on arXiv: Characterization of Hydrogen Plasma Defined Graphene Edges

We investigate the quality of remote hydrogen plasma defined graphene edges by Raman spectroscopy, atomic resolution AFM and low temperature electronic transport measurements. While on graphite substrate, the edges seem to be nearly perfect…

Group's spin-off Basel Precision Instruments GmbH at APS Boston exhibit!

First major exhibition where was putting it's instruments on display. Laboratory electronics: low noise. high resolution. ultimate stability. Swiss precision. Low-noise 24 bit DAC, low-noise high-stability current and…

APS March meeting in Boston with 6 talks and 1 poster from the group

This years March meeting featured talks by Leon Camenzind (QD orbitals B-spectroscopy), Kris Cerveny (Tempated InAs Nanowires), Taras Patlatiuk (Edge state wave functions), Christian Scheller (NIS subgap states), Dominik Zumbuhl…

PhD Defense of Taras Patlatiuk

Taras Patlatiuk successfully defended his PhD thesis "Tunneling Spectroscopy of the Quantum Hall edge states using GaAs Quantum Wires" today with summa cum laude, with Prof. Hadar Steinberg, University of Jerusalem, as coreferee , Prof.…

Two PRBs published on orbital and g-factor effects!

Our Tokyo RIKEN - Basel collaboration has published two papers in Phys. Rev. B. on the orbital and g-factor effects of a strong in-plane magnetic field on gate-defined quantum dots. Phys. Rev. B 99, 085308 (Feb 22, 2019)Phys. Rev. B…
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Interview by Radio SRF2, Wissenschaftsmagazin

Dominik was interviewed for the "Wissenschaftsmagazin" in radio SRF2 on the topic of the agreement between the EU and Switzerland with regards to the Swiss association to the EU research programs. Saturday, 2.2.2018, 12:35 SRF2Sunday,…

Henok Weldeyesus joins our group as a PhD student

Having received his MSc from Goethe-University Frankfurt on "Electronic transport in 2D lattices of Co nanoparticles", Henok is starting his PhD thesis on tunneling spectroscopy and helical states in quantum wires. Welcome to the group,…

Project presentation of Qianqian Chen

After joining the CEO wire team 6 months ago from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, within an INSPIRE fellowship from QSIT, Qianqian has successfully defended her project thesis today. After carefully figuring out…

PhD defense of Mirko Rehmann

Mirko Rehman successfully defended his PhD thesis "Hydrogen Plasma Defined Graphene Edges" today with Prof. Andras Kis, EPFL, as coreferee and Prof. Patrick Maletisnky chairing. Congratulations, Mirko, on a great thesis, and thanks very…

European Microkelvin Platform (EMP) launched today in Heidelberg

Kick-off meeting of the European Microkelvin Platform (EMP), a new advanced EU research infrastructure within H2020 launching today in Heidelberg! 8 access giving laboratories with 9 partners from academia and industry from across Europe!…

Dr. Mohammad Samani joins our group as a postdoc

Having received his PhD from the University of British Columbia, Canada, in Prof. Joshua Folk's group on "Local probe of electronic states in high mobility quantum Hall samples", Mohammad is starting on his postdoc on the microkelvin…

PhD defense of Bilal Kalyoncu

Yemliha "Bilal" Kalyoncu successfully defended his PhD thesis "Hydrogen Plasma Etched Graphene Nanoribbons" today with Dr. Jonathan Prance, Lancaster University, as coreferee and Prof. Ilaria Zardo chairing. Congratulations, Bilal, on a…

Miguel J. Carballido joins our group as a PhD student

Having received his MSc in Physics from the University of Basel on the thermal conductivity of nanowires using Ramanthermometry in Prof. Ilaria Zardo's group, Miguel is starting his PhD thesis on the Ge/Si nanowire project, developing these…