

FET project TOPSQUAD launched: TOpologically Protected and Scalable QUAntum Bits

The consortium consisting of Uni Basel, TU Eindhoven, Uni Twente and IST Vienna plus start-ups nano-PHAB and BASPI is setting out to explore Majorana fermions in Ge/Si core/shell nanowires. The hole carriers in this system are subject to…

New on the arXiv: Low-symmetry nanowires for enhanced Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction

We study theoretically the Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (SOI) in zinc-blende nanowires of various growth directions. While the Dresselhaus SOI is suppressed for select directions and confinements, many configurations allow for a…

Published in npj Quantum Information: Efficiently measuring a quantum device using machine learning

Machine learning algorithm performing fully automatic measurements on the GaAs quantum dot, guessing most informative measurements using probabilistic deep-generative model, giving a speed-up of about a factor of 4. Collaboration with…

Simon Svab presents his MSc thesis research

Simon Svab successfully completed his MSc thesis "g-factor anisotropy in a lateral GaAs spin qubit" and presented his results to the group today. Congratulations, Simon, on an outstanding thesis, and thanks very much for all the work! After…

Luca Forrer and Pascal Würsch have joined the group to work on MSc theses

Luca Forrer (Nanoscience BSc, Basel) and Pascal Würsch (Physics BSc, ETHZ) joined the group this week to work on their MSc theses. Luca is working on quantum transport in templated III-V nanowires. Pascal is working on sub-mK quantum dot…

Fabian Müller presents his MSc Thesis research

Fabian Müller successfully completed his MSc thesis "Gate Dielectrics for Quantum Dots in Ge/Si Core/Shell Nanowires" and presented his results to the group today. Congratulations, Fabian, on a very nice thesis, and thanks very much for all…

Omid Sharifi joins group as PhD student

Having received his MSc from the University of Tehran on "Optical response of Rashba quantum rings", Omid is starting his PhD thesis on the microkelvin Project. Welcome to the group, looking forward to work with you!

Dr. Arne Laucht, UNSW Sydney, gave talk on Silicon qubit operation above one Kelvin

Dr. Arne Laucht, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, just gave a special seminar "Silicon quantum processor unit cell operation above one Kelvin". Thanks very much for the visit and a very interesting talk...

Davide Mastrapasqua joins group as electronics technician on a QSIT technology transfer project!

Coming from a laboratory of engineering at the Politecnico di Torino, Davide is starting as an electronics technician on the QSIT technology transfer project "Basel Precision Instruments GmbH -- Low-Noise Electronics for Quantum Science".…

Prof. Carlos Egues gave a talk on many-body localization

Prof. Carlos Egues, Sao Paulo University, Brazil, is currently visiting the group this week and just gave a special seminar about "Many-body localization in a central spin model". Thanks very much for giving a very interesting talk on a…

Prof. Catalina Marinescu gave talk on spin-orbit quantum corrections

Prof. Catalina Marinescu, Clemson University, USA, gave a special seminar about "Localization in Spin-Orbit Coupled Electron Systems". Thanks for giving a very nice paedagogical presentation, from the basics of weak-localization physics to…

QUSTEC call for PhD students

Call open for 39 doctoral fellowships on Quantum Science and Technologies on EUCOR -- The European Campus through MSCA COFUND H2020 Trinational Doctoral Program. Apply now, call closes Aug 19, 2019. More information…

Published in Carbon: "Characterization of hydrogen plasma defined graphene edges"

Our international team characterizes the quality of remote hydrogen plasma defined graphene edges by Raman spectroscopy, atomic resolution AFM and low temperature electronic transport measurements. For graphene on hBN, the edge is ~40%…

Published in Phys. Rev. Letters: "Spectroscopy of Quantum-Dot Orbitals with In-Plane B-Fields"

Riken-UCSB-Basel collaboration extracts full 3D-confinement parameters and in-plane orientation of the single-electron quantum orbitals of a GaAs gate-defined dot with sub-nm precision. This is a versatile tool for quantum dots with one…

"Closed-Form Weak Localization..." published in Phys. Rev. Letters!

This is theoretical work lead by Catalina Marinescu, Clemson University, and J. Carlos Egues, Sao Paulo University, with experiments by Pirmin Weigele and Dominik Zumbühl, University of Basel. We have derived a closed-form expression for…