Group Leader
Master/Bachelor Students
Zumbühl Lab Alumni & Graduates
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Pierre Chevalier Kwon | Physics | PhD thesis | Coupling a high impedance resonator to a Ge/Si nanowire Thesis, Defense | Postdoc in our group |
Giovanni Zhang | Physics | Internship | Low-temperature measurements of nanoelectronic devices | ETH Zürich |
Pierre-Armand Barbieri | Physics | Internship | Nanofabrication and Characterization of devices based on Ge/Si core/shell nanowires | Strasbourg University |
Erwin Renzo Franco Diaz | Physics | Master thesis | Modelling of the dispersive signature of Pauli spin blockade | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos |
Yiqi Zhao | Physics | Master thesis | RF quantum circulators | ETH Zürich |
Dominique Trüssel | Physics | Master project | Towards Impedance Matching With High Q | Master student in our group |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Carlos Dos Santos | Physics | Master thesis | Anisotropies in a Silicon FinFET Hole Spin Qubit Thesis, Defense | |
Simon Geyer | Physics | PhD thesis | Spin qubits in Si fin field-effect transistors Thesis, Defense | Sensirion AG |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Dominique Trüssel | Physics | Semester Project | Report, Defense | Master student in our group |
Kristopher Cerveny | Physics | PhD thesis | Quantum Transport Characterizations in Selective-Area Grown InGaAs Nanowire Networks Thesis, Defense | Postdoc in our group |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Rahel Kaiser | Nanoscience | Master thesis | Capacitance Spectroscopy of Atomic Layer Deposition Oxides Thesis, Defense | PhD student in Warburton group |
Floris Braakman | Physics | Senior Scientist | Ge/Si hole spin qubits | Senior Scientist Poggio Lab |
Mohammad Samani | Physics | Post-doc | Microkelvin | Scientist at D-Wave |
Timothy Camenzind | Physics | PhD thesis | Graphene and Silicon Materials for Quantum Computing | High school teacher in Luzern |
Rafael Eggli | Physics | Master thesis | Charge Sensing with Silicon Quantum Dots Thesis, Defense | PhD student in our group |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Florian Froning | Physics | PhD thesis | Ge/Si Core/Shell Nanowires Thesis, Defense | Zurich Instruments |
Mathieu de Kruijf | Physics | Master thesis | Fast Cryogenic Probing of Silicon FinFET Devices for Quantum Computing Thesis, Defense | PhD in London |
Pascal Würsch | Physics | Master thesis | Large Quantum Dots for Microkelvin Universal Coulomb Blockade Thermometry in Semiconductors Thesis, Defense | DECTRIS Ltd. |
Luca Forrer | Nanoscience | Master thesis | Quantum Transport in Templated Indium Arsenide Nanowires Thesis, Defense | PhD in Martino Poggio's group |
Orson van der Molen | Physics | Project work | GeSi Spin Qubit Manipulation Thesis, Defense | PhD in Eindhoven |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Simon Svab | Nanoscience | Master thesis | Measurement of the g-factor anisotropy in a lateral GaAs spin qubit Thesis, Defense | PhD in our group |
Taras Patlatiuk | Physics | PhD thesis | Tunneling Spectroscopy of the Quantum Hall edge states using GaAs Quantum Wires | Postdoc in our group |
Fabian Müller | Physics | Master thesis | Ge/Si Core-Shell nanowires Thesis, Defense | |
Luk Yi Cheung | Physics | Internship | Si Hole Quantum Dots | PhD in Christian Schönenberger's Group |
Qianqian Chen | Engineering | Master thesis | Post doc in Huazhong University of Science and Technology | |
Leon Camenzind | Physics | PhD thesis | Spin and Orbits in Semiconductor Quantum Dots | post-doc in our group |
Yemliha Bilal Kalyoncu | Physics | PhD thesis | Graphene Nanoribbons, microKelvin project Thesis, Defense | Amsterdam Scientific Instruments |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Mirko Rehmann | Physics | PhD thesis | Hydrogen Plasma Defined Graphene Edges Thesis, Defense | Baloise |
Dr. Liuqi Yu | Physics | Post-doc | Quantum Dots in GaAs | Postdoc in Maryland |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Pirmin Weigele | Physics | PhD thesis | Stretching and Breaking Symmetry of the Persistent Spin Helix in Quantum Transport Thesis, Defense | Mettler-Toledo International, Inc |
Mario Palma | Physics | PhD thesis | Magnetic cooling and on-chip thermometry for nanoelectronics below 10 mK Thesis, Defense | post-doc at University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Timothy Camenzind | Nanoscience | Master thesis | Towards Majorana Fermions in Graphene Nanoribbons Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD in our group |
Philip Häner | Nanoscience | Master thesis | Towards the control of spin-orbit interaction in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots Thesis | Working as a teacher |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Kamil Kosmalski | Nanoscience | Project work | NIS subgap steps and Dynes parameter in B-field Thesis, Defense | Completing MSc. Uni Basel |
Timothy Camenzind | Nanoscience | Project work | Anisotropic etching in graphite induced by a remote nitrogen plasma Thesis, Defense | Completing MSc. Uni Basel |
Dario Maradan | Physics | PhD thesis | Magnetic refrigeration for nanoelectronics on a cryogen-free platform Thesis, Defense | post-doc at PTB, Germany |
Larissa Conrad | Physics | Master thesis | Quantum Hall thermometry down to Millikelvin temperatures Thesis, Defense | working as a teacher |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Dr. Mytsini Lafkioti | Physics | Post-doc | Quantum Hall experiments | |
Lucas Casparis | Physics | PhD thesis | Ultra-Low Electron Temperatures in Nanostructured Samples Thesis, Defense | post-doc at the University of Copenhagen Nils Bohr Institute Marcus Lab |
Daniel Biesinger | Physics | PhD thesis | Thermally Activated Charge Fluctuations in GaAs Double Quantum Dots | |
Larissa Conrad | Physics | Semester Project | Low Resistance Ohmic Contacts to a GaAs 2DEG for Ultra-Low Temperatures | Completing MSc. in our group |
Florian Dettwiler | Nanoscience | PhD thesis | Electronic Transport in Hybrid Heterostructures and Universal Control of Spin-Orbit Interaction in Quantum Wells | IT consultant center board AG |
Mirko Rehmann | Physics | Master thesis | Fabrication and Characterization of Graphene Nanoribbons on hexagonal Boron Nitride Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD in our group |
Serge Wächter | Physics | Master thesis | Electric Transport Properties of Quantum Point Contacts in a Gallium Arsenide Quantum Well Thesis, Defense | in Jura coffee machines co. |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Dorothee Hug | Nanoscience | PhD thesis | Zigzag Edges in Graphene and Graphite defined with a Cold Hydrogen Plasma | Post-doc in our group |
Oliver Bärenbold | Physics | Semester Project | Numerical Simulation of a GaAs Quantum Dot Thesis, Defense | Completing MSc. Uni Basel |
Tai-Min Liu | Physics | PhD thesis | GaAs quantum wires and ultra-low temperature transport | Scientist at the Department of applied Physics at National Pingtung University, Taiwan |
Simon Zihlmann | Nanoscience | Master thesis | Hydrogen plasma etching of graphene; Towards crystallographic zigzag edges Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD, Schönenberger group, Basel |
Christian Scheller | Physics | PhD thesis | Low Temperature Transport and Evidence for Nuclear Order in GaAs Quantum Wires | Post-doc in our group |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Dominikus Koelbl | PhD thesis | Spins, Disorder and Interaction in GaAs and Graphene | Sensirion | |
Samuel Hess | Physics | Semester Project | Microkelvin Chip Carrier Report, Presentation | Completing MSc. Uni Basel |
Leon Camenzind | Nanoscience | Master thesis | Quantum Transport Signatures of Electric Dipole Spin Resonance near the Persistent Spin Helix in GaAs Quantum Wells Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD in your group |
Martin Brühlmann | Physics | Graduate Student | GaAs few-electron double quantum dots Thesis, Defense | IT, URZ Basel |
Elisa Hemmig | Physics | Semester project | Microwave Filters and Thermalizers | Completing studies Uni Basel |
Kai Schwarzwälder | PhD thesis | Towards Cooling Nanoelectronic Devices to Microkelvin Temperatures Thesis, Defense | Simens Germany | |
Charulata Barge | PhD thesis | Delocalization by disorder in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures | ||
Leon Camenzind | Nanoscience | Project work | Processing and Characterization of GaAs Quantum Well Nanostructure Devices Designated for Tuning to the Persistent Spin Helix Thesis | working on master thesis in our group |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Tony Clark | Post-doc | Microkelvin Temperatures in Nanoscale Samples | Geophysics Stanford University | |
Sarah Heizmann | Graduate Student | Transport and Charge Sensing Measurements on Few Electron Quantum Dots and approaching Ultra Low Electron Temperatures | Green energy | |
Susanne Baumann | Nanoscience | External Masters thesis, IBM Almaden, Dr Don Eigler | Single Spin of Magnetic Atoms on Thin Insulators Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD IBM research, Almaden Heinrich/Eigler Group |
Petar Jurcevic | Nanoscience | Master thesis | Piezo Rotator at Ultralow Temperatures for Semiconductor Nanostructures Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD Blatt group Innsbruck |
Dario Maradan | Nanoscience | Master thesis | Parallel Nuclear Refrigerators for Cooling Nanoscale Samples to Microkelvin Temperatures Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD in our group |
Lucas Casparis | Nanoscience | Master thesis | Conductance Anisotropy in Natural and HOPG Graphite Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD in our group |
Lukas Greuter | Nanoscience | External master thesis, TU Delft Prof. L. Vandersypen | Towards electron shuttling in a triple quantum dot Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD Warburton group Basel |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Raphael Wagner | Nanoscience | Master thesis | G-factor, Effective Mass and Spin Susceptibility of an 2D Electron Gas Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD Lim group Uni Basel |
Dominic Giss | Nanoscience | Semester project | Miniature Cryogenic Microwave Filters Report, Defense | Completing MSc Uni Basel |
Sandro Erni | Nanoscience | External master thesis Harvard University Prof. C. Marcus | Development of a Low-Field Overhauser Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging System Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD Nelson group ETHZ Robotics |
Tobias Bandi | Nanoscience | Master thesis | Ultra-Low Electron Temperatures in 2D Electron Gases Thesis, Defense | Oephelbaum IT Manag. then: working on PhD Shea group, EPFL Microsystems for space |
Lukas Greuter | Nanoscience | Semester project | Fabrication and Characterization of Ohmic Contacts Thesis, Defense | External masters thesis Vandersypen group TU Delft |
Dorothee Hug | Nanoscience | External master thesis Vandersypen group TU Delft | Transport Measurements on a Graphene Nanoribbon Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD in our group |
Gino Guenzburger | Nanoscience | External semester project Raith Dresden | Determination of Proximity-Effect-Correction parameters Report, Presentation | Working on PhD Meyer group Basel |
Adrian Renfer | Nanoscience | Master thesis | Fabrcation and Characterization of Inverted GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures with Embedded InAs Wetting Layer Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD Poulikakos group, ETHZ Thermodynamics |
Dario Maradan | Nanoscience | Semester project | Design and Fabrication of a Sample Holder for sub-mK Temperatures Report, Presentation | Completing MSc. in our group |
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Gregor Fessler | Physics | Semester project | Measuring the Electron Temperature using a GaAs Quantum Dot in a Dip-Stick Dilution Refrigerator Report | Working on PhD Meyer group Basel |
Petar Jurcevic | Nanoscience | Semester project | Construction and Characterization of Split Coils for a 3-axis Vector Magnet Report, Presentation | Completing MSc Uni Basel |
Dorothee Hug | Nanoscience | Semester project | Fabrication of Single and Bilayer Graphene Flakes Report | External master thesis Prof. L. Vandersypen TU Delft |
Florian Dettwiler | Nanoscience | Master thesis | Fabrication of Hybrid Lateral Self-Assembled Nanostructures Thesis, Defense | Working on PhD in our group |
Florian Schweizer | Physics | Master thesis | Transport and Charge Sensing Experiments in a Few Electron Quantum Dot Thesis, Defense | AXA Winterthur |
Tobias Bandi | Nanoscience | Semester project | Construction of a silver nanoparticle sintering press and a BET-system to measure specific surface areas Report, Presentation | Master thesis in our group |
Previous Years
Name | Major | Function | Project | Subsequently |
Sandro Erni | Nanoscience | Semester project | Few-Electron Quantum Dot in a Fast Turnaround Dilution Refrigerator Report | External master thesis Prof. C. Marcus Harvard University |
Florian Schweizer | Physics | Semester project | 4K Dip-Stick and DAC for measurements at low temperatures Report | Master thesis in our group |
Florian Dettwiler | Nanoscience | Semester project | Setup and Sample Holder Design of a Dip-Stick Dilution Refigerator Report | Master thesis in our group |